Separated at Birth?

  Erik - Wizards and Warriors         Hank - Dungeons & Dragons

Consider these facts

Both are blue-eyed blonds.

Both recognized as the leading heroes in their respective shows.

Both known for being excessively good, honest, and decent.

Erik's last name - Greystone.

Hank's last name - unrevealed.
(In some fan fictions, "Grayson" has been used - coincidence?)

Despite Erik's generally upright moral character- he has shown a
bloodthirsty side when dealing with arch-enemy, Dirk Blackpool.

Despite Hank's generally upright moral character - he has shown a
bloodthristy side when dealing with arch-enemy, Venger.
(In The Dragon's Graveyard - one of the best D&D episodes - see
what happens when the ever-dependable good guy finally snaps.)


Erik's romantic life-

So, is he ever going to get together with Ariel?


Hank's romantic life-

So, is he ever going to get together with Sheila?


Erik is often visted by a mysterious magical being
who gives vague advice and vanishes suddenly.

Note - Erik seems to have a strong romantic attraction to this being.


Hank is often visited by a mysterious magical being
who gives vague advice and vanishes suddenly.

Note - Hank seems, let's not go there.


Wizards and Warriors images courtesy -
The Land of Aperans: the Haven for Wizards and Warriors

Dungeons & Dragons images courtesy -
The Complete Guide to Dungeons & Dragons - The Cartoon


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